Wednesday, May 18, 2016


"Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?” (Job 2:10b, ESV) Job asked an important question of his wife when he faced horrific suffering and it's a question that I've been reflecting on a lot in recent days. Throughout my 37 years I've been the recipient of abundant blessings from the hand of God and I'm grateful for every one of them. Among them are you - my family and friends, who have and continue to bless me in a million ways. You truly are among the good that I've received from God! It's easy to attribute gifts to the hand of God, but what about the "evil" that Job is speaking about?
Two weeks ago, I got personal news of "evil". After my recent hysterectomy the pathology came back reporting two types of aggressive cancer in my uterus. Technically speaking, they found mixed high grade endometrioid and clear cell carcinomas. How does a person deal with a surreal diagnosis? I've cycled between denial and despair, but Paul sums up an important reality and how I felt hearing the word "cancer" as he speaks about his own suffering in Asia Minor. "Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead." (2 Corinthians 1:9 ESV) In so many ways, the doctor's words have felt like just that - a death sentence. But Paul adds something to my understanding of my suffering - this diagnosis, this "evil" that Job speaks about as being from God's hand, is going to help me learn not to rely on myself. Is it possible that this "evil" might also be a gift? Just over two weeks in on this journey, I can see that truth already at work. I've been messy (and I still am regularly) but when my eyes are on Jesus, I know peace and even joy.
The good news is that Jesus has been here - in no way is this unchartered territory. He knows because he walked this path. He received not only a death sentence but execution at the hands of his creatures. He faced evil head-on and in doing so undid all of its power. And he did it for me and you. But death didn't get the final word with him, and it needn't for us either. We simply need to rely fully on him. A death sentence, whether that of sin or even a cancer diagnosis, is nothing for the One who raises the dead. In the words of Paul, "He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will deliver us again." (2 Corinthians 1:10, ESV)
I plan to write updates here as I get information and journey through both chemotherapy and radiation, but you're not just going to find treatment updates because I don't intend to waste my cancer. I plan to talk a lot about what God has and is doing in me. I'd be grateful for any prayers that you'd offer on my behalf - for my healing and my heart, that through this "evil," I'd know and rely on the Lord in increasing measure. Firmly in his grip, Christina


  1. In these few words you have already blessed me Christina. My heart is heavy for the road ahead for I know it will not be paved with gold. Yet, you are correct as you say, "the Good News is, Jesus has been here already...) and the Road to Christ is surely paved with gold in so many ways and I am thrilled that you are counting blessings.
    This, young lady, is a powerful statement: "I don't intend to waste my cancer." I made that my philosophy and when you have that attitude God will use you to do mighty things! I can hear you clicking on your armour already. It won't be easy, but when you are prepared to walk this road with Christ, then you will be amazed at what you learn.
    Christina, we are praying for you and Ken every evening and will continue to do so. Hugs and this is a brilliant idea to blog your journey. It will keep people informed and focused on how to pray specifically for you; you will find it less tiresome than saying the same story to so many [who care about you] plus it will be therapeutic for you as you pour a little of your heart on the page. Not to mention, people will hopefully be encouraged and inspired by your vulnerability. You go girl. Jesus bids you shine! xx

  2. Thank you for sharing this Christina and Elaine and I will certainly be offering up prayers for you and for Ken as well. Thank you also for sharing your faith in this. It is not always easy to see Jesus in the midst of this beautiful mess but His promise stands, "I will never leave you . . ." Peace,

  3. Thinking of you (and Ken) during this journey! I was thinking about you today and was going to message you. Anything you need, feel free to let me know. We understand firsthand what you're going through. Keeping you guys in our thoughts and prayers. You will make it though this. Thanks for keeping us up-to-date with your journey!

  4. It is God who arms me with strength
    and keeps my way secure.
    33 He makes my feet like the feet of a deer;
    he causes me to stand on the heights.
    34 He trains my hands for battle;

    blessings Christina keep on speaking words of life! our prayers are with you, hugs (and tears)

  5. Christina, we have been and will continue to pray for and think of you and Ken often as you travel this road together with your family. Thank you for sharing your journey and your faith. He who is in you is greater then he that is in the world....may you know his peace. Ann Kabbes

  6. Praying for you Christina and Ken. Isaiah 41 For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you "Do not fear, I will help you" Love Albert and Lysje

  7. I'm grateful for the prayers, Scripture passages, and encouragement that each of your have shared <3

  8. Christina and Ken we are thinking of you and praying for Gods healing mercy.We know God will take care of you.We love you. Fred and Joan.
