Thursday, March 2, 2017

February's Reflections on Calvin's Institutes

6. While knowledge of God is available in creation, anyone who would come to know him needs Scripture to guide and instruct them.
- Nature alone isn’t enough to direct us rightly to the Creator. We need Scripture to direct us to right and sound doctrine.
- Apart from Scripture, we fall into error.
- Creator and sustainer of heaven and earth, all of your works declare your glory, but I am blinded to it by my sin. ---- - Thank you for the grace that you have shown me in giving us Scripture so that I might truly know you. Help me to delight in your word because it shows me you.

7. Scripture’s authority comes through its speaker, not its hearers.
- The truth of Scripture doesn’t depend on the decision of humans.
- Scripture teaches (Eph. 2:20) that the church is built upon the Word.
- The truth of Scripture is dependent on believing that God is its author. Reason won’t convince us of the truth; it requires the testimony of the Spirit. The same Spirit that spoke the words must illumine us to their truth.
- "By this power we are drawn and inflamed, knowingly and willingly, to obey him, yet also more vitally and more effectively than by mere human willing of knowing!"
- God who spoke long ago by prophets and apostles, thank you for your word. Thank you that its truth is something that lies entirely outside of me, and thank you for revealing its truth to me by your Spirit. Remind me and all your church that we are under your Word. Draw and inflame hearts to its beautiful testimony. Increase our love for your word and by your Spirit speak your Word to every tribe, tongue, and nation.
- Because I need a reminder every now and then of the TREASURE of the Word, I thought I’d share a video I’ve watched repeatedly that speaks to my heart.

8. Human reason gives proofs of Scripture’s credibility – believing in Scripture’s truth isn’t illogical or a “blind leap of faith”. (I’m summarizing Calvin’s thoughts on this – not offering my own)
- All the parts of Scripture are united in a wisdom that expresses divine mystery in simple human language. Other writing might affect us, but only Scripture is powerful enough to transform us.
- The content of Scripture is beyond human conception, whether the style is eloquent (like Isaiah) or unrefined (like Amos).
- The narrative of Scripture doesn’t idealize the characters, instead it reveals messy and broken people.
- The Word of God was confirmed by miracles e.g. Moses published all the events of the exodus to eyewitnesses.
- The prophecies spoken of in Scripture are fulfilled in surprising ways.
- Scripture tells us that the law of God was preserved in spite of human negligence.
- God has preserved his Word through the ages. Even as some worked to destroy it, others gave their lives to transmit it.
- The Spirit used multiple, ordinary men (and one even who was previously a murderous enemy) to witness to the gospel
- The church has trusted its authority throughout the ages, even though the world and evil one conspired to destroy it.
- Scripture’s authority is confirmed in the blood of martyrs.
- All the proof in the world won’t convince an unbeliever that Scripture is the Word of God, that will only come as a result of faith that is generated by the Spirit.
- Heavenly Father, thank you that in your infinite wisdom you gave us your Word and that you’ve preserved it by your providence. Thank you that you call us, not to an unthinking leap of faith, but to a faith that loves you with our minds. Thank you for the gift of faith that causes me to trust that your Word is true. Forgive me for wandering from your truth, breaking your commandments, distorting your teaching to serve my own ends, and failing to trust your promises. Help me to love your Word and transform me by it.

9. Word AND Spirit
-The Spirit doesn’t lead us away from Scripture to new kinds of revelation and doctrine, but seals our minds with the truth of Scripture.
- We recognize the Holy Spirit by his agreement with Scripture. Since the Spirit is the author of Scripture, he is as he has revealed himself there.
- The same Spirit who spoke the Word efficaciously confirms it.
- Heavenly Father, thank you for revealing yourself and your work through Word and Spirit. Thank you for sending the Spirit to lead us into all truth. Make me a careful student of your Word, who tests the spirits by the truth that the Holy Spirit has revealed therein. Guard your church by Word and Spirit against false doctrine and deceitful schemes. Keep us firmly rooted in doctrine that agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness.

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